Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

Jenis - jenis jaringan komputer

Pengertian Dan Jenis-Jenis Jaringan Komputer
Jaringan komputer adalah sebuah sistem atau rangkaian yang terdiri dari dua komputer atau lebih, dimana antara satu komputer dengan komputer yang lainnya saling terhubung oleh sebuah sistem komunikasi, sehingga memungkinkan setiap komputer yang tergabung dalam jaringan tersebut dapat saling tukar-menukar data, program, dan sumber daya komputer lainnya seperti media penyimpanan, printer, dan lain-lain.
Selain itu melalui jaringan komputer yang menghubungkan komputer-komputer yang berada pada lokasi yang berjauhan, dapat juga terjalin komunikasi, seperti komunikasi melalui surat elektronik atau email, mengirim data atau upload dan mengambil data dari tempat lain yang disebut dengan download. Berbagai kegiatan lainnya yang berhubungan dengan komunikasi data, juga dapat dilakukan melalui jarangan komputer.
Jenis-Jenis Jaringan Komputer :

1. PAN (Personal area network)

PAN (Personal Area Network) adalah jaringan komputer yang digunakan untuk transmisi data antara perangkat pribadi seperti komputer, tablet, smartphone, personal digital assistant (PDA), konsol video game, perangkat peripheral dan perangkat hiburan pribadi lainnya.
PAN dapat digunakan untuk komunikasi antara perangkat pribadi sendiri (komunikasi interpersonal), atau untuk menghubungkan perangkat ke jaringan dengan tingkat yang lebih besar dan Internet (uplink) dimana salah satu perangkat “master” mengambil peran sebagai router internet.
Jaringan jenis ini akan memberikan fleksibilitas yang tinggi. Misalnya, memungkinkan Anda untuk:
  • Mengirim dokumen dari laptop, tablet, atau smartphone ke printer melalui jaringan.
  • Upload foto dari smartphone ke komputer desktop Anda.
  • Menonton film dari layanan streaming online dengan TV Anda.
  • Dan masih banyak lagi.
  • Jaringannya Lebih Dekat dan Data maupun Informasi yang Diterima bersifat Rahasia 
  • Dapat Menukar Data Berbentuk File , Audio , Dan Video tanpa Memakai Kabel 
  • Komunikasi lebih Praktis tanpa Terganggu dengan Pengguna Lain
  • Para Peretas kemungkinan Bisa Terdeteksi untuk Keamanan Data Begitu Juga Virus 
  • Karena Sifatnya Dekat maka Pengguna Jaringan ini tidak dapat Melakukan Komunikasi dengan Banyak dengan Lokasi yang Jauh
  • Sangat Bergantung pada Sinyal 
  • Tidak dapat Mengirim File Sekaligus 

2. LAN (Local Area Network)

LAN (Local Area Network) adalah jaringan komputer yang menghubungkan komputer dalam area terbatas seperti rumah, sekolah, laboratorium, universitas atau kantor dan memiliki peralatan jaringan sendiri dan interkoneksi yang dikelola secara lokal. LAN sangat bermanfaat untuk membagi sumber daya, seperti penyimpanan data dan printer. Jaringan komputer jenis ini dapat dibangun dengan hardware yang relatif murah, seperti wireless access point, hub, adapter jaringan dan kabel Ethernet.
Jaringan komputer jenis LAN yang terkecil dapat terdiri dari hanya dua komputer, sedangkan LAN yang lebih besar dapat terdiri dari ribuan komputer. LAN biasanya sebagian besar mengandalkan koneksi kabel untuk meningkatkan kecepatan dan keamanan, namun koneksi wireless juga dapat menjadi bagian dari LAN. kecepatan tinggi dan biaya yang relatif rendah merupakan karakteristik jaringan jenis LAN.
LAN biasanya digunakan pada satu tempat di mana orang-orang harus berbagi sumber daya diantara mereka sendiri tetapi tidak dengan orang luar. Misalnya sebuah gedung perkantoran dimana semua karyawan harus dapat mengakses file pada server pusat atau dapat mencetak dokumen melalui satu atau lebih printer pusat.
Hal ini akan memudahkan karyawan dalam mengerjakan tugas-tugas mereka, tetapi Karyawan/Perusahaan tentunya tidak ingin jika orang luar yang hanya kebetulan lewat juga dapat mengakses file pada server pusat atau mengirim dokumen ke printer melalui laptop atau ponsel mereka.
Jika LAN, sepenuhnya menggunakan teknologi wireless, maka jenis jaringan ini disebut sebagai WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network).
  • Keamanan lebih Terjamin karena IP Lokal hanya Terhubung sebatas Switch kemudian Router
  • Dapat Melakukan Penggunaan Sumber Daya Secara Bersama - Sama 
  • Tidak Banyak Penggunaan Kabel
  • Sistem yang Terhubung ke Terminal Lebih Banyak
  • User Intarfarce yang digunakan adalah Fasilitas yang Baku 
  • Jika Banyak PC yang terhubung Jaringan LAN akan Melambat
  • Sistemnya Menggunakan 1 Jaringan Maka Masih ada Kemungkinan Jaringan Bisa Di Retas
  • Jika Salah 1 PC yang Terhubung terkena Virus Maka PC yang Tersambung dengan LAN tersebut juga akan terkena Virus 
  • Software harus Dirancang untuk Multi User
  • LAN begitu Lambat di Speed Modemnya

3. MAN (Metropolitan area network)

MAN adalah jaringan komputer yang menghubungkan para pengguna dengan sumber daya komputer pada sebuah area geografis atau area yang lebih besar dari yang tercakup oleh LAN yang luas, tetapi lebih kecil dari area yang tercakup oleh WAN (wide area network).
Tergantung pada konfigurasi-nya, jaringan jenis ini dapat mencakup area mulai dari beberapa mil hingga puluhan mil. MAN sering digunakan untuk menghubungkan beberapa LAN untuk membentuk jaringan yang lebih luas. Saat jaringan jenis ini dirancang khusus untuk sebuah Universitas, makan terkadang disebut sebagai CAN (Campus Area Network).
  • Server Kantor Pusat dapat Berfungsi Sebagai Pusat Data Kantor Cabang
  • Informasi dapat disebarkan Lebih Meluas dan Cepat
  • Transaksi yang Real Time
  • Komunikasi antar Kantor bisa menggunakan Email dan Chatting 
  • Biaya Operasional Mahal
  • Instalasi Strukturnya tidak Mudah 
  • Jika Sebuah Komputer Pribadi digunakan sebagai Terminal , Memindahkan File membolehkan Pengguna untuk Mengambil File dari Host atau Mengirimnya ke Host
  • Rumit Jika Terjadi Masalah pada Jaringan ( Trouble Network ) 

4. WAN (Wide Area Network)

WAN (Wide Area Network) adalah jaringan komputer atau jaringan telekomunikasi yang membentang di atas jarak geografis yang sangat luas, seperti seluruh Negara atau seluruh Dunia. Jaringan komputer jenis WAN biasanya terdiri dari beberapa jenis jaringan yang lebih kecil, seperti LAN atau MAN.
Bisnis, Pendidikan dan Lembaga Pendidikan menggunakan jaringan jenis WAN untuk relay data antara para staf, mahasiswa, klien, pembeli dan pemasok dari berbagai daerah. Dengan menggunakan WAN, akan memungkinkan bisnis untuk secara efektif melaksanakan fungsi harian-nya dimanapun lokasinya. Internet merupakan contoh yang paling terkenal untu WAN publik.
  • Dapat Berbagi Software dan Resources Dengan Koneksi Workstations
  • Bisa Diakses dengan Jangkauan Geografis yang Luas
  • Berbagi Informasi / File melalui Area yang Lebih Cepat
  • Pesan dapat Dikirim dengan Cepat kepada Orang lain pada Jaringan ini
  • Biaya Operasional yang Mahal dan Umumnya Lambat
  • Rentan Terhadap Peretas atau Ancaman dari Luar 
  • Memerlukan Firewall yang Baik untuk membatasi Pengguna Luar yang Masuk ke Jaringan
  • Informasi tidak dapat Memenuhi Kebutuhan Lokal / Kepentingan 

Rabu, 21 Maret 2018

tugas makalah bahasa inggris


Computer Engineering
Bina Sarana Informatika


First, thank to almighty god who has given his bless to the writer for finishing this english paper assignment. the writer also wish to expess his deep and sincere gratitude for those who have guide in completing this paper, especially to Mrs. Maulani Pangestu as the english teacher that always theaces us and give much knowledge about how to practice english well.
The Writer formulate this paper is to fulfill the task of the English course that is given by a Mrs. Maulani Pangestu , The writer realized this assignment is not perfect. But we hope it can be useful for us. Critics and suggestion is needed here to make this assignment be better.
Hopefully we as a student in “Computer Engineering BSI” can work more professional by using English better than yesterday. Thank you.

Chapter I

A. Abstract
      The development of computer technology increased rapidly, this is seen in the era of the 80s computer network is still a puzzle to be answered by academics, and in 1988 computer networks began to be used in universities, companies, And now in this era, This millennium especially, internet has become the daily reality of millions people on this earth.
      In addition, the hardware and software of the network has really changed, at the beginning of its development almost the entire network is built from coaxial cable, now many have been built from fiber optics or wireless communication.
B. Problem Formulation
      1. What Is Computer ?
      2. History of development computer.
      3. What are the types of computer ?
C. General Purpose
      To complete assignment of English course

Chapter II

A.    Definition of computer ?
            The term computer has a broad meaning and is different for each person. The term computer (the computer) is taken from the Latin word meaning computare calculate (to compute or to reckon).
According Blissmer (1985), a computer is an electronic device that is capable of performing several tasks, which receive input, process the input according to the instructions given, save the commands and results processing, and provides output in the form of information.
Meanwhile, according to Sanders (1985), a computer is an electronic system to manipulate data quickly and accurately as well as designed and organized in order to automatically receive and store input data, processes it, and produces outputs based on the instructions that have been stored in memory. And many more experts are trying to define it differently on the computer. However, in essence it can be concluded that the computer is an electronic device that can accept input, process the input, provide information, using a program stored in the computer memory, can store the programs and the results of processing, and works automatically.

B.     History of development computer
      The first use of the word "computer" was recorded in 1613, referring to a person who carried out calculations, or computations, and the word continued with the same meaning until the middle of the 20th century.
      And the development of computers to achieve the current state is need a very long process. Here is the stages of that development :

1.                  First Generation (1940-1956): Vacuum Tube

Is the first computer created for scientific purposes only. Use a vacuum tube of a size like a small lamp mentol that is very large. One example of the first generation of computers is the UNIVAC II made by Sperry Rand-Univac. The first generation computer has the following characteristics:
a.       The component used is a vacuum tube for the circuit
b.      Program can only be used by using Assembler language machine
c.       The physical size of the computer is too large, so it requires a very wide place
d.      Fast heat and require large electrical power
e.       The process is less rapid and the storage capacity is very small
f.       Business application oriented

2.      Second Generation (1956-1963) Transistor
This second generation computer uses transistor components for the central processing unit and magnetic core for memory. The resistance of the transistor is better than the vacuum tube because it is not flammable. Channel data appear in this generation, in line with special features to increase CPU speed. The new way to store the introduced memory is the magnetic porch. The magnetic porch uses the fine iron that is wrapped around the electric field. Some examples of second generation computers are UNIVAC III, UNIVAC SS80, UNIVAC SS90, UNIVAC 1107 made by Sperry Rand-UNIVAC. The characteristics of second generation computers are as follows:
a.       The circuit is made of transistors
b.      Programming is made with high-level languages ​​such as FORTRAN, COBOL and ALGOL
c.       Memory capacity is large enough and the process is faster
d.      The physical size is smaller than the first generation computer
e.       Requires less electrical power
f.       Business and engineering oriented

3.      Third Generation (1964-1971) Integrated Circuit
Third-generation computers have more monolithic circuits and miniaturization (the number of electronic components on the chip) for the central processing unit. Intergrated Circuit (better known as IC) is a complete electronic circuit in one small silicon chip. First used in 1965. One IC can replace tens, hundreds of transistors, where the IC is smaller in shape than the transistor. Some examples of third generation computers are UNIVAC 1109 and UNIVAC 9000. The characteristics of third generation computers are as follows:
a.       Using IC (Integrated Circuit) as its component
b.      Faster processing and greater memory capacity
c.       Physical form is smaller and the price is cheaper
d.      Software Upgrades
e.       Use of electricity is more efficient 

4.      Fourth Generation (1971 - Now) Microprossesor
Fourth generation computers are characterized by rapid semiconductor memory, small size, and smaller power requirements. Because after the IC. The development goal becomes more obvious: shrink the size of circuits and electrical components. Large Scale Integration (LSI) can load hundreds of components in a chip. In the 1980s, Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) loaded thousands of components on a single chip. Ultra-Large Scale Integration (ULSI) increases that number to millions. The Intel 4004 chip created in 1971 brought the IC forward by putting all components of a computer (central processing unit, memory, and input / output control) in a very small chip. Previously, IC was made to do a specific specific task. Now, a microprocessor can be manufactured and then programmed to meet all the desired needs. One example of fourth generation computers is the Apple II. The characteristics of the fourth generation computer are as follows:
a.       Using LSI (Large Scale Integration)
b.      Developed a microcomputer that uses microprocessor and semiconductor chip-shaped for a computer memory

5.      Fifth Generation (Now - Then) Artifical Intelligence
The fifth generation computer is in development. The component used is VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration). Computers in this generation will be developed computers that can translate human language, conversing with humans, can perform more accurate disease diagnosis, etc. This extraordinary nature is called "artificial intelligence".

C.    Types of computer.
1.      Analog Computer
            This type of computer is used to receive analog signals, functioning to check data that is not in the form of numbers, because the data obtained is wave data. This type of computer is usually used to describe a situation. Examples of its use to check the temperature, fuel flow counter on the pump, measure the power of light and others. This computer is widely used in scientific activities.
Advantages of Analog Computers :
There are several advantages of analog computers. Here are some advantages of analog computers:
1. Easy to operate
2. Special purpose, has a specific function for one field
3. Can represent the amount to be processed within a certain range of values

Disadvantages of analog computers :
Besides having advantages, of course the analog computer also has some drawbacks. The following are some of the disadvantages of analog computers:
1. Not applicable universally, can only be used to calculate the specialization only
2. Complex components
3. Not multifunctional
4. Requires considerable power
5. Sometimes it is difficult to do data processing in the form of numbers

2.      Digital Computer
     Digital Computer is a computer machine that is created to process data that is quantitative in the form of numbers, letters, punctuation and others. The use of the signals to be a combination of 0 and 1. The result of technology that converts the signal into a combination of sequences of numbers 0 and 1 is also called binary for easy, fast and accurate information processing. The signal is called a bit.
This digital signal has many unique features that are not owned by analog technology, namely:
1.      Able to use information at the speed of light that can make Information can be sent at high speed
2.      The repeated use of information does not affect the quality and quantity of the information itself.
3.      Infofmasi can be easy to use and change in various form.
4.      Can memposes information in a very large number and send it interactively.

The computer manipulates the existing data digitally, through an appropriate electrical process or transmits it. In principle, the computer only recognizes two currents, namely On and Off, or the terms in the numbers are often also known as 1 and 0. The combination of On or Off currents is what makes the computer do many things, whether in the introduction of fonts, images, sounds, even interesting movies that you watch in digital format.

3.      Hybrid Computer
           hybrid computer is a type of computer that is intended for data processing that is both quantitative and qualitative, or n other terms combines the ability of digital with analog. in other words, the quantitative data yield qualitative data and vice versa.

Chapter III

            That is what we can say about the material discussed in this paper, of course, many shortcomings and weaknesses due to the limited knowledge of the lack of reference or reference that we have gained in relation to this paper. The author much hopes to the dear readers to give constructive criticisms of suggestions to us for the sake of perfection This paper. Hopefully this paper can be useful for authors of special readers on the author.
http://www.resepkuekeringku.com/2014/11/resep-donat-empuk-ala-dunkin-donut.html http://www.resepkuekeringku.com/2015/03/resep-kue-cubit-coklat-enak-dan-sederhana.html http://www.resepkuekeringku.com/2014/10/resep-donat-kentang-empuk-lembut-dan-enak.html http://www.resepkuekeringku.com/2014/07/resep-es-krim-goreng-coklat-kriuk-mudah-dan-sederhana-dengan-saus-strawberry.html http://www.resepkuekeringku.com/2014/06/resep-kue-es-krim-goreng-enak-dan-mudah.html http://www.resepkuekeringku.com/2014/09/resep-bolu-karamel-panggang-sarang-semut-lembut.html